
How our ICT Strategy aligns to our Corporate Plan

Our Corporate Plan 2020-2024 defines the operating environment, people and capability, and risk management and oversight needed for the Department to achieve our purposes. To show how this ICT strategy is aligned to meet those needs, the following table maps corporate plan outcomes against the Strategic Priorities outlined in this ICT Strategy.

Corporate Plan 2020-2024 ICT Strategy 2021-2023 Strategic Priority
  1 2 3 4
Our Purposes:
1. Growing our economy, incomes and creating jobs Our ICT strategy will ensure we continue to deliver and enhance the digital capabilities needed to achieve the purposes set out in our Corporate Plan. Specifically, our focus on data and analytics, security, and cross-government collaboration and information management will support multiple policy outcomes.
2. Vibrant and resilient regions
3. Strengthening families and communities
4. Enhancing Australia’s international and national security
5. Govern well
6. Preparing well to respond to critical issues
Operating Environment
Promote a whole-of-government perspective Marked      
Adapt to a fast-paced and changing environment Marked Marked    
Meet the increasing needs and expectations of the public Marked   Marked  
Bring discipline and structure to delivery of our purposes   Marked    
Maintain strong links with partner agencies and taskforces Marked      
Maintain an increasingly interconnected landscape     Marked  
People & Capability
Build workforce capability       Marked
Build digital capability   Marked Marked Marked
Promote inclusion, diversity and collaboration among our workforce       Marked
Equip people with experience and insights   Marked Marked Marked
Improve collaboration within PM&C and across APS   Marked Marked Marked
Provide simple & secure access to information     Marked  
Provide flexible working arrangements   Marked    
Improve people’s well being Marked Marked Marked Marked
Risk Management & Oversight
Manage risk to staff including by embedding physical and mental safety considerations in day-to-day operations Marked Marked Marked Marked
Manage risk to critical enablers to government including through maintenance of deep expertise and robust systems and processes.   Marked Marked Marked
Manage risk in quality of advice provided to government by supporting decision making   Marked Marked Marked



Customer and outcomes-focused ways of working and partnering
Flexible, scalable and efficient foundations
Secure, resilient, reliable and reusable digital assets
Confident and knowledgeable digital capabilities